Friday 20 November 2009

How To Make Money Fast - The Independent Profit Centre (center) A Scam? - I Think Not.

Over the last several days I have received several emails asking me if The Independent Profit Centre(center) is for real or if it is a scam? And with all of the programs popping up online that promise to teach all and sundry How To Make Money Fast, but do end up being scams, I definitely understand everyone's concern.

For that reason I decided to write this article and provide some information as I see it that will help everyone do their own due diligence and decide for themselves if IPC really is the real How To Make Money Fast deal.
The first thing I considered when looking at IPC for myself was the product that is being sold. It is a software package that includes software that can actually be used by a marketer to promote almost anything.

Also, when you add up the retail value of the products they really are worth more than the $249 price tag that the package is being sold for. Now I realize that most of the software in the package can be found somewhere online for less than retail but it would take some time to find all of them.
So in my opinion the products are real, as I use them myself, so that part of the IPC program is definitely NOT a scam.

The next thing I considered when making my decision on IPC was how I would get paid. Since IPC is a "Direct Pay Program" I wouldn't have to worry about the "company" holding my money. I actually get paid for making a sale before the company does.
So IPC passed that test as well.

I also tested the customer service by both calling and emailing the owner of IPC using the contact information provided to me in the training area.
Now, I totally agree that most people won't make $2,000 to $4,000 per day with this program but an extra $400 to $1,000 per day is very attainable, and the system can definitely teach online beginners How To Make Money Fast, by showing them how to promote properly and drive traffic to their website.

So if you are doing your due diligence and trying to decide if the Independent Profit Centre(center) is right for you... Consider the points mentioned above and then make your decision.
For more articles and videos on The Independent Profit Centre, subscribe to my blog at

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